Sylli divides timit, strings, files and entire directories into syllables and provides other useful function for syllable analysis. Sylli was originally intended to be used with CLIPS (a corpus of spoken Italian) and NLTK (see references), but can be used on any TIMIT file, string, and with some changes languages and ASCII alphabet(default setting uses xSampa and syllabify Italian).
Please, for a complete, updated documentation visit:
This package contains two programs: sylli and sylli-command
You can install Sylli by using the windows installer or the source.
To install using the installer just double-click the installer icon.
To install as a python module you can either use python easy install
Or install manually from the source code. To do so, follow these steps:
Install Python, version 2.3 or later -
Install wxPython -
Download the source code and unzip the content:
and install it with:
For more options use
If you’re using windows or planning to redistribute sylli as a windows installer or .exe read the Windows BUILD section below.
To run sylli from the command line use
The command ‘sylli’ is reserved for the GUI. This is the default install application in windows. If you installed from the source or on *nix, you can launch it with
or run it directly from the source code directory:
For more information use the program help.
The latest alternative, is to import the module in python
>>> import sylli
Install Python, version 2.3 or later -
Install wxPython - http:\
Install py2exe -
Install the inno installer -
Download msvcr90.dll and copy it in the root syllable directory
Open the command prompt, go to the root syllable directory and run this command
copy sylli/htmldoc into sylli/build
Now compile inno.iss on inno
This will create an installer called sylli-{VERSION}.exe The installer is completely self-contained and will work on any Windows machine, even without the above software having been installed.
Sylli online is a CGI for Sylli. You can find the sources and install it following these two steps: